Outdoor course for girls
Basic outdoor course.
Book your course here!
Where: shock camping
Responsible: Silvia Küller, via all in Nature Sweden
When: Tbd
July 17
Time: 08:30 - 18:00 Day 1, overnight shock camping
Language Swedish
Participants: possibly only women and children over 16 years of age with goalkeeper
Day 1 (in brief)
08:30 Presentation of me, participants, Stöten Camping and All in Nature Sweden
09:00 Fire knowledge
Safety (hot/cold, dry/wet)
Different steps: Protection/Collecting/Preparation/Lighting/Wipe/Flash/Switch
10:00 How to find firewood
Wood walk in the forest.
11:00 Treat wood from large -> small
Saw, ax and knife technique
12:00 Make up fire with lighter steel
12:30 Cooking over an open fire in food team + lunch break.
14:30 How to choose a good campsite.
15:00 Set up a tarp quickly for the night/break.
16:00 Before you go out on turn
16:30 Navigation with compass
17:30 Survival box and packing list
18:00 Feedback and questions